Beef Butchery Retail - Business Plan

Beef Butchery Retail - Business Plan

Local slaughterhouses and abattoirs are the major sources of meat sold in butcheries in urban centers. The difference between abattoirs and slaughterhouses is that by law the former are allowed to process meat in one way or another. Many thus slaughter their own cattle, process or just sell it as raw. They occasionally hire out their facilities to traders wishing to slaughter. Abattoirs are more professional in their operations. For instance when animals arrive at the abattoir they are supposed to rest for at least 24 hours before they are slaughtered. Also they are inspected for any diseases or physical injury before they are slaughtered. After slaughter the animals are inspected further to see if they have any internal injuries and blood blemishes. This does not mean that all the abattoirs strictly follow the procedures.

Business Plans Ksh. 99